Melukat - Balinese Water purification ceremony

One of the rituals often carried out in Bali is the water purification ceremony, locally called Melukat.

The word Melukat etymologically comes from two words of the old Javanese language called Kawi. It’s interesting to know that approximately 25% of the Kawi vocabulary is derived from Sanskrit . ‘Su’ means good and ‘lukat’ that means clearing, purification. This ceremony is believed to help to purify oneself physically and spiritually, eliminating negative forces in the body and heal.

I had been invoking experiencing the Melukat for some time, and my wish to not do it in a touristy place also came true as I have recently been blessed to do it in a magical temple space amongst the jungle in the Balinese mountains.

Water has a big importance in Bali. As well as being the largest natural resource on earth, water, in the Melukat ceremony, is seen as the medium which purifies your soul and helps you surrender to what life and the universe have in store for you.

Before entering the temple space, we all changed into the local ritual clothing. Our knowledgeable local guides Bruce and explained the process and we all helped in taking down the offerings for the ritual. The offerings comprised of incense, coconuts, canang saris (flower baskets with offerings) all carefully put together for each one of us.

Once in the temple, we carried out offering rituals for the good spirits and some for the non good ones too! In Balinese culture all is revered, the good as well as the non good. All is welcome and that’s why rituals are done keeping in mind both spirits. It was interesting to learn that for the non good spirits, amongst the offerings, we had some alcohol. That’s given so that they are distracted and don’t trouble us humans while the ceremony is happening.

The temple we visited had different smaller temples inside. At each one of them we stopped and after the prayers and moments of meditation we then carried down through the path until we reached the main waterfall, where we did the full water ceremony ritual.

The journey down was a beautiful and enriching experience, and also one that kept growing the emotions. We followed all the steps of the rituals, like Balinese people do, which is what makes this experience meaningful.

The Melukat experience can’t be explained in words. The emotions and energies felt are quite special.

A wonderful way to feel your body and soul, go through self purification, surrender and enjoy the journey.